Pachmayr 04412 Decelerator Magnum Slip On Recoil Pad Large Black Rubber
Item : Z4_04412
Model :
UPC : 034337044123
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Combining the advanced recoil control of the popular Decelerator internal design and material with Pachmayr's patented insert, this great looking slip-on recoil pad is unmatched by any other hunting pad. In addition, the pad's material and design make installation easier than ever. Best of all, all these features are offered at a price that is no more than other, less advanced pads. No other slip-on recoil pad can match all the features of Pachmayr's Decelerator Slip-On at any price. Both black and brown models are available. No other slip on has the patented, Pachmayr Speed-Mount insert.
Manufacturer | Pachmayr |
UPC | 034337044123 |
Width | 1.8400 |
Length | 8.6000 |
Height | 5.4200 |
Weight | 0.4700 |
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